Qurbani Appeal

Give your Qurbani from £80 for a share in a Cow

donate now

‘Neither their meat nor blood reaches Allah. Rather, it is your piety that reaches Him.’

Surah Al-Hajj, Ayah 37

Qurbani Appeal

Qurbani is an Islamic practise originating from Prophet Ibrahim (AS) of sacrificing an animal during the days of Eid-al-Adha. The act of sacrificing an animal is carried out by the volunteers of Alubadia Orphanage, on behalf of the donors.

This year we will be looking to perform the sacrifice and distribution of your Qurbani donation to the poor and needy across Mirpur, Azad Kashmir.

What we Provide

Alubadia is able to deliver your Qurbani in Pakistan.

The Qurbani packages we have available, include

Cow Share from £80
Whole Goat from £150
Whole Cow from £500
Whole Camel from £700